Dynex Rivett High Pressure Pumps

Dynex high pressure pumps are industrial equipment that deliver the best working conditions when creating tunnels, mining exploitation, founding and much more applications.

The goal is to deliver the best and most powerful discharge force and fluid control for over a hundred uses.

Today we will explain to you in depth what this equipment are, how they work, which types are available in the market, in which situations are they used and which are the best Dynex high pressure pumps models in United States.

What high pressure pumps are?

High pressure pumps are self-priming pumps and they can offer a very high discharge pressure, that’s why they are used in the food and cleaning industries, cutting of metal pieces and all challenging situations.

These Dynex high-pressure products compress the fluid to be transported and to manage it according to the amount you need, keeping a balanced pressure in the whole system.

How does pressure pump work?

The functioning of these pumps start from an oscillating plate with a fixed angle that turns and is in charge open delivering an alternative movement to the pistons in a steady barrel.

We need to consider this route or suction stroke causes the pistons to be filled with water through the entrance valve.

And what does happen to the liquid when it is inside?

Then, the entrance valve closes and the compression process starts, which exponentially increases pressure inside the pumping chamber.

Once the internal pressure goes over the pressure off the exit ball or valve, this one expands and the fluid comes out with a lot of pumping force to the outside the chamber.

It is important to mention that the exits of all pistons of the pump are working in symmetry, which means they combine in just one entrance and one exit of material.

But Dynex pumps have this feature of being set to have multiple exit flows.

This is done by assisting each piston so it can deliver types of pressures so the work can be much more effective, being one of their advantages that only one high pressure pump can be used in order to substitute up to ten regular pumps. Impressive, don’t you think?

Types of Dynex Rivett high pressure pumps

There are two types of industrial high pressure pumps, which are categorized according to their function.

Axial pumps

I theses high pressure axial pumps the engine of making a disc spin which can or cannot  be tilted according to the rotation axis.

In some models of pumps, they can have different heights in form of grooves.

Then, the spinning disc creates a reverse and push fluid cycle which constantly repeats and creates a stable pressure which ends with fluids coming out at high pressures.

These types of pumps are less expensive in the most demanded.

Triplex pumps

Triplex high pressure pumps are much more innovative and efficient, because they are equipped with a crankshaft in charge of moving the pistons, same as a traditional engine works.

These pumps are much more resistant and durable, even more efficient, that’s why their prices are so high.

However, these are perfect for industrial uses since they guarantee a better performance in the most challenging conditions.

Why you using these pumps?

The main reason why it is convenient to purchase Dynex pumps in USA it’s because they deliver reliable operation, with high levels of efficiency throughout the whole equipment lifespan.

Even though other bumps fail, these will keep working properly because they are certified from a quality point of view.

You will be able to use them in dirty environments and more challenging work cycles.

But, what other reasons you have to implement high pressure pumps?

  • They resist pollution failures, since their pistons have good washing ways and retention valves are very durable.
  • You will be able to operate on phosphate ester, water and MIL-SPEC based fluids.
  • They have a working capacity up to 20.000 PSI or 1.380 BAR.
  • You can set multiple fluids pressure flows within the same pump.
  • They deliver a constant flow direction.
  • These are effective and improve general productivity.

Use of Dynex high pressure pumps.

Dynex Rivett high pressure underwater pumps can be used for different industrialized works, in order to deliver the best equipment to engineers and contribute for an efficient work.

Among the bests notable uses and applications are:

  • Tunneling: ideal for elevation equipment that demand strong force in high pressure, with divided flows with optimal work performance.
  • Mining: these pumps are perfect for transmission systems of hydraulic tracks and all the support equipment deployed at the mining industry.
  • Metal: these are used in furnaces, mills and processing installations of different types of metals, where the conditions are more demanding.
  • Aerospace: they allow to work in conditions where resistance to pressure is essential.
  • Oil and gas: these pumps are used to control the flow at the well outlet, for washing systems and much more.
  • Marine industry: these are used for deck machinery equipment where high pressure pumps are required which guarantees optimal operations.

How to install

Installation of Dynex pumps in United States always must be performed by an expert who knows the process.

However, if you have your own engineering team in order to perform the installations, these premises would be useful.

  1. It is recommended an entrance flow maximum speed of 4 feet per second. In case of not meeting this, the exit flow will be considerably reduced.
  2. It is recommended an exit flow maximum speed of 30 feet per second.
  3. Dynex checkball pumps demand a submerged intake and they deliver a better performance when the suction head is positive.
  4. Sf the entrance pressure of the pump goes over 10 PSI (0.7 BAR) you must install a high-pressure axis seal.
  5. The pump connection to the engine must be performed using a flexible coupling wire.
  6. Install according to the specified angular and radial aligning metrics. TIR axis aligning of 0.13 millimeters. If you use a rigid coupling, TIR must be 0.5 millimeters.
  7. Half of the axis coupling must be blocked at the tap by means of a fixing screw so it doesn’t move.

High pressure pumps maintenance in 6 steps

The preventive maintenance of high pressure pumps will give the pump and the rest of the system components a longer lifespan. How must Dynex Hydraulics high pressure pumps maintenance should be performed?

  1. You must periodically check the system for leaks and also to verify if tubes are not worn out or damaged
  2. You must be sure the mounting and adjusting of the system component are the appropriate.
  3. The third step is checking the system for strange noises, unusual vibrations, inadequate pressures, extreme temperatures or out of range driving speeds.
  4. Step four, check for the tank liquid level it’s at the recommended level.
  5. Check if liquids are not dirty or polluted. We recommend to change it according to the manual.
  6. Change filters and clean them when recommended.

Dynex Rivett high pressure pumps models

Now is the time to tell you about some of the most remarkable Dynex Hydraulics products of the catalog in United State.

PF500 Pump series

Equipped with 0.75 HP (0,6 kW) energetic requirements and used in remote places with no constant energy supply.

They work at 15000 PSI and can be installed with solar panels for its use.

Dynex Rivertt High Pressure Pumps

PF1300 Water and glycol Pump series

These work with glycol water and any other kind of fluid with little lubrication, as for well outlets.

They work up to 15000 PSI (1040 bar) and they allow to eliminate external lubrication circuits, saving costs and delivering an optimal work in each use.

Dynex High Pressure Pumps

PF3000 Pump series

These work at 10.000 PSI (700 bar) and their feature is to work on dirty environments with the best efficiency.

A Split-Flow® PF3000 type pump is able to supply independent flows which can reach up to eight separate outlets.

buy Dynex Rivertt High Pressure Pumps

PF6000 Pump series

These work at height pressure flows up to 15,000 (1040 bar) without issues.

These are used in very challenging environment, where temperature is high, a lot of dirt and where cycle works are very long.

Dynex Rivertt High Pressure Pumps buy in UNITED STATE

How to choose the best high pressure pump?

In order to choose the best high pressure pump, it’s essential you know the flow and pressures you are working on, and the driving system.

In order to help you make the best choice, let’s see the next chart, where you will see the available models according to the work conditions.

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Where to purchase Dynex high pressure pumps in United States?

Purchasing high pressure pumps is easier than ever, we are authorized dealers and we have modern and guaranteed equipment.

We invite you to take a look at our Dynex product catalog.

Or contact us and we’ll give you all the information you need.

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