Globe valve: What it is, Types, Operation and Parts

The globe valve has different styles and configurations to meet very specific applications and needs.

Understanding what is a globe valve used for is of great importance, as this will allow to know how it controls or regulates the flow.

If you want to know what is a globe valve, the advantages it offers and how it works, continue reading this post.

What is a globe valve?

It can also be called globe control valve. It is a valve with linear movement with a design that allows regulating, stopping and starting the flow. The disc it has is completely removed or closed from the flow path.

They are used for throttling services, isolation and when the pressure drop across the valve is not a controlling factor. The sizes they come in are 1 2 inch globe valve.

Also, you may be interested to know what a pneumatic valve is.

Globe valve symbol

The globe valve symbol is:

Globe valve symbol

Globe valve diagram

The globe valve diagram is:

Globe valve diagram

What is a globe valve used for

Globe valves are used to stop and control the flow of fluids through a pipeline. They are perfect for applications that require precise control of pressure and flow, because they adjust the flow rate precisely and gradually.

They are also very useful in situations where a hermetic seal is needed to vent a system or prevent leaks.

Globe valve parts

The globe valve parts are:

  • Hood.
  • Packing gland nuts and bolts.
  • Handwheel: mechanical actuator.
  • Pressure seal gasket.
  • Provenir.
  • Yoke.
  • Rear seat.
  • Plug or disc.
  • Flange and gland bushing.
  • Packaging.
  • Seat ring.
  • Valve body: globular shape.
  • Sleeve yoke.

What is the flow direction of a globe valve?

To know the globe valve flow direction, you should look at its body, since there is an arrow pointing to the flow direction.

The direction is against the top or back of the plug, creating a trend of the plug as it closes into the drain.

Globe valve types

The globe valve types that exist are:

Angle valve

The angle globe valve is responsible for turning the flow direction by 90° without the use of a pipe weld and an additional elbow.

Also, it is often used in fluctuating flow conditions and are usually seen in the marine industry in order to save space. It is characterized as a cast steel globe valve.

Angle valve

Y-type valve

The Y pattern globe valve is a solution to the head loss in the Z type. In this type the shaft and seat have an angle of 45° in relation to the pipe axis.

Y-valves are used in applications that have high pressure and other types of critical services where pressure drop is a problem. This type is a 1/2 inch globe valve.

Y-type valve

T-type valve

It is the most common and has a Z-shaped diaphragm. Its horizontal seating configuration is what allows the disc and stem to move perpendicular to the horizontal line.

In addition, it is the design with the lowest flow coefficient and the highest pressure drop. It is a very strong pvc globe valve.

T-type valve

Globe check valve

The globe stop check valve is a reformed version of the standard globe stop valve and comes with a valve stem that is connected to the globe disc. And it is a 2 inch type globe valve.

Flanged globe valve

It is a type of connection that uses a gasket between the pipe and valve flanges in order to seal the joint. It is a stainless steel globe valve.

Crane globe valve

They are very efficient for services that need frequent operation and throttling, it is a 3/4 inch globe valve.

Steam globe valve

It is designed to control the flow of steam. They are used to shut off, throttle and open the fluid flow, and are made of strong metal material to withstand high pressures and temperatures. It is a 1 globe valve type.

Advantages and disadvantages of globe valves

The advantages they have are:

  • Excellent throttling capacity.
  • Available in a wide variety of patterns and each offers unique capabilities.
  • Good sealing capacity.
  • Easy maintenance due to its discs and seats.
  • Short stem travel between closed and open positions.

Disadvantages include:

  • Heavier.
  • High pressure drop or pressure drop.
  • Larger openings for disc mounting.

Globe valve vs gate valve: Differences

The globe valve vs. gate valve are the most common in industrial plants, as both are designed to keep systems running more safely and efficiently.

The globe valve is unidirectional and is best used in applications where massive pressure changes do not present a serious problem.

While the gate valve is multidirectional and is specific for applications where low pressure drops are of great importance.

Globe valve vs ball valve: Differences

A major difference between globe valve vs ball valve is how they restrict and shut off the flow of fluids.

Ball valves use a hollow ball with an attached stem that can rotate the ball horizontally and are referred to as rotary.

While globe valves have a disc or plug attached to the stem that moves vertically up and down, they are also known as stroke valves.

Globe valve applications

The applications given to this type of valve are:

  • Turbine lubricating oil systems.
  • Cooling water systems.
  • Fuel oil systems.
  • Feedwater or chemical systems, venting and boiler, and steam drains.

Where to buy globe valves?

At IndusCo we are globe valve suppliers and all kinds of industrial products, so you can purchase this product without any problem.

In addition, they are of high quality to ensure durability and safety when in use.

All the brands we work with design their products to perform in extreme conditions and generate higher productivity.

If you want to know the prices that we handle you can ask for a quotation of globe valves.

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